Featured Artists
Basa, Nelson
Beloria, Mark
Contridas, Jerry
Mesina, Pol
Urao, Tamerlane

Badass Art Gallery is a contemporary art studio dedicated to the thought-provoking idea of uplifting the artist and making art accessible for everyone. We represent a diverse roster of emerging artists who challenge traditional notions of art and push creative boundaries. We believe the art scene should be informal and ever-changing, sparking conversations and inspiring new perspectives.
We're not just a gallery; we're a community, a space where creativity can flourish, and a place where art gets a kick in the butt (in a good way). Our mission is to foster a vibrant, growing art scene that will break the boundaries of the more established one, support artists in their infancy and painful adolescence to full maturity, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the transformative power of art in all its forms.